Download PDF Medical-Surgical Nursing Patient-Centered Collaborative Care (2 Volume Set)
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Using a unique collaborative care approach to adult health nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 8th Edition covers the essential knowledge you need to succeed at the RN level of practice. Easy-to-read content includes evidence-based treatment guidelines, an enhanced focus on QSEN competencies, and an emphasis on developing clinical judgment skills. This edition continues the books trendsetting tradition with increased LGBTQ content and a new Care of Transgender Patients chapter. Written by nursing education experts Donna Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman, this bestselling text also features NCLEX Exam-style challenge questions to prepare you for success on the NCLEX Exam. Cutting-edge coverage of the latest trends in nursing practice and nursing education prepares you not just for todays nursing practice but also for tomorrows.UNIQUE! Collaborative care approach organizes all medical, surgical, nursing, and other interventions within the framework of the nursing process, mirroring the nurses role in the coordination/management of care in the real world of medical-surgical nursing.Easy to read, direct-address writing style makes this one of the most readable medical-surgical nursing textbooks available.UNIQUE! A focus on QSEN emphasizes patient safety and evidence-based practice with Nursing Safety Priority boxes including Drug Alerts, Critical Rescues, and Action Alerts.UNIQUE! Emphasis on clinical judgment teaches you to develop skills in clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making when applying concepts to clinical situations, with Clinical Judgment Challenge questions throughout the chapters.An emphasis on prioritization stresses the most important patient problems and nursing interventions, with patient problems presented in a single prioritized list of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. UNIQUE! NCLEX preparation tools include chapter-opening Learning Outcomes and chapter-ending Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination! sections organized by NCLEX Client Needs Categories, plus NCLEX Examination Challenge questions, with an answer key in the back of the book and on the Evolve companion website.UNIQUE! A focus on nursing concepts relates concepts learned in Nursing Fundamentals with the disorders you will study in Medical-Surgical Nursing.Practical learning aids include NCLEX Examination Challenges, Clinical Judgment Challenges, Best Practice for Patient Safety Quality Care charts, common examples of drug therapy, concept maps, laboratory profiles, and more.A clear alignment with the language of clinical practice reflects the real world of nursing practice with NANDA diagnostic labels where they make sense, and non-NANDA diagnostic labels when these are more common descriptions of patient problems. Student Resources on an Evolve companion website help you prepare for class, clinicals, or lab with video and audio clips, animations, case studies, a concept map creator, NCLEX exam-style review questions, and more.UNIQUE! Concentration on essential knowledge for the RN level of medical-surgical nursing practice focuses your attention on need-to-know content to pass the NCLEX Examination and practice safety as a beginning nurse. NEW! Enhanced focus on QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) competencies includes new icons identifying QSEN competency material and new Quality Improvement boxes describing projects that made a dramatic difference in patient outcomes. UPDATED learning features include an expanded emphasis on developing clinical judgment skills; on prioritization, delegation, and supervision skills; on long-term care issues; and on preparation for the NCLEX Examination and consistency with the 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan. NEW! UNIQUE! Care of Transgender Patients chapter discusses the unique health care needs and issues specific to the transgender community.Improved delineation of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses clearly differentiate NANDA diagnoses from collaborative problems.NEW photos and drawings show patient care skills as well as the latest in nursing education and practice. 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